February 15, 2019

Baby Henry’s lifestyle session was beautiful! Henry is so handsome and sweet! He loves to snuggle with his parents and his puppy! I loved working with this family in their beautiful home. I feel so confident that they are going to have an amazing life as a family of three. The love Henry’s parents have for him just radiates in the way they look, hold and talk to him. It was so wonderful to witness this and it was also a plus to cuddle with their cute pup!

I love doing lifestyle sessions for a few reasons. First of all, my clients feel more comfortable in their own home, so I am more likely to get genuine and emotional photos. Also, things change over time including your home, so its always nice to have those memories of your first home and baby’s nursery.

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If you would like to see more lifestyle sessions head over to my blog and click on the lifestyle tab! I hope you like what you see and thanks for stopping by!




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