September 3, 2014

Even though this trip was about 6 weeks ago, I still wanted to blog it because it was such a great time! Kelly and I have been friends our whole lives. We’ve never not known each other. Her sister, Dawn, is a few years older, but she has always been so kind to me and treated me as a friend even when we were little. NOW she is one of my very best friends too!! They will both be in my wedding…duh (in 46 days!). And they have always been family to me.

Not ‘like family’

Actual family.

We went to Wilmington to celebrate Kelly’s quarter life (crisis) year and had the chance to go to Fort Fisher and play on the rocks!!

Aren’t they both so beautiful? I had an amazing time and it was so fun to get to photograph BLUE surroundings in the middle of summer when everything in Charlotte is GREEN.

After we were finished with the crashing waves (uh, can I go back and do that again asap?), we pulled out K’s cupcakes and sprinkles and had a quick celebration by the water.

The next stop was Dawn’s thinking rocks that she loved to visit when she lived in Wilmington (because she’s lived everywhere). She showed us how she use to lay on them and I love how organic she can be in front of the camera.

We finished the evening with the two of them rough housing like boys instead of doing what I told them to do – but I think that’s where the beauty of many photos can be found.

…in a ninja kick to the face. I did not add this one in in hopes of conveying a loving sisterly relationship.
How’d I do?

The next day, their mom, my mom, and my aunt came to spend the day with us. We went by a cute market they had set up across from the beach, laid out, then went to dinner.

I wish I had taken my camera with me that day but only had it for dinner. K’s candle wouldn’t stay lit, so that was disheartening. It could even help kick off a quarter life crisis.
However, crisis diverted.
Her candle flame may not have been a physical one, but it was one from deep inside. The kind of flame you can only obtain from a weekend with your closest people by the sea. These flames light no candles. Only spirits.

Okay – I will stop with my poetics. (giggle giggle).


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  1. […] had spent the first part of the weekend on the coast with my best friend, celebrating her birthday, so it was super easy to make the early morning trip to Melissa’s […]

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